hello i'm Jason

"I am a technology enthusiast who proactively strives for self-improvement, continually surpasses personal limits,
maintains an optimistic outlook on life, and harbors a deep longing for poetry and distant horizons."

I AM A Web Developer Software Engineer Creative Designer Mobile Developer Master Student

About Me

I am an international student from China and completed my Bachelor of Software Engineering Honors Degree at Monash University in 2023. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in IT. As a graduate of the software engineering program, my professional skills encompass, but are not limited to, web development, mobile application development, user interface design, data visualization, and all the knowledge and skills expected of a software engineer.

If you are interested in my abilities or my experiences, please feel free to check out my resume below.

GPA: 3.563
WAM: 81.407
Honours course grades: H1 (First Class Honors)

Download CV


My primary professional skills include, but are not limited to, the following:

Web Development

I have experience in web frontend development using React.js and Vue.js, with a strong foundation in web development, including proficiency in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and various frameworks like jQuery and Bootstrap. I have also utilized technologies for handling requests and interacting with the backend, such as Axios, Fetch, and Node.js.

Mobile Development

I possess hands-on experience in developing Android and iOS applications, employing Kotlin and Swift for their respective development. Furthermore, I am experienced in multi-platform development, having utilized React Native to build native mobile applications compatible with both Android and iOS platforms.

Physical Artifacts

I have experience using Arduino and a range of electronic components, such as sensors, Bluetooth modules, GPS modules, etc., to create technologically enhanced physical products. I have experience in designing and connecting circuits, soldering, and coding microcontrollers.


I possess all the fundamental knowledge that a software engineer should have, including version control, quality assurance (testing and CI/CD), design principles and software architecture, algorithms, relational/non-relational databases, and process management (Agile).

Professional Ability

I have acquired the ability to quickly and independently master new skills, research and solve problems, laying the foundation for my contributions to projects. In a team setting, I have learned how to collaborate and communicate more effectively, ensuring that I can excel both as an individual and as part of a team.

UI/UX Design

I have extensive experience in UI/UX design, specializing in high-fidelity interface prototyping using Figma for both desktop and mobile applications. I have intentionally studied the principles of Usability and Accessibility, aiming to enhance the user experience while ensuring functionality.

Research Ability

I have studied research methods and been involved in research projects. I am well-versed in the research process and theory, possessing skills commonly used in research such as data collection (designing interviews and questionnaires), experimental design, data analysis, data visualization, and more.

Other Programming

I have studied and used several programming languages, but have applied them less frequently in development. These include C, C#, Java, Python, and more. Among them, Python is more commonly used for scripting, data processing, and web scraping, among other tasks.


I have studied theoretical knowledge and code related to both relational and non-relational databases (SQL & MongoDB). I commonly use RESTful APIs and Firebase for development. Due to project limitations, I have limited experience with backend and database development.


I have extensive technical and non-technical experience.

Oct 2022
Oct 2022
Oct 2022
Oct 2023
Oct 2023
Dec 2022
Dec 2023


Here are my various works.


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